Twailightina knihovnička

Epilog The story of Twaila Nightmare

Dear Lyra,

I writting you from little house in the east London. I live with Draco and Scorpion , I was wery happy and I hope, you are happy too.

Post war I must go to the lawyer where are my parent's, now they are in Azkaban. I am no sad, they were very bad parent's , they wan't to I be death easter , they want to I been like they.

And my brother Jackob... he was only twelve years old, I was sad for a long time, and now I cry when I remember to him. Mabey it's good because I wasn't forget to him, maybe no.

Tina wrote to me last weekend, she is in Japan now, do you know ? I remember when she scared to watch you-know-who, oh , sorry Voldemort. And now? She is in Japan , alone but happy. I hope she decide to visit me, it's a long time when I saw her. I written only about me, sorry, and you? Are you happy with Sheamus and little Pumpkin? Do you see anyone of the phoenix order?

Please write back soon.

Be carefull, Twaila Malfoy.


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