Gallifreyské noviny

Když Doctor básní


Pffft pfft pft pfffft
Pfft pft pft
Pfffffft pffft pft pffft pft
My recorder appears to be broken

Roses are Red
Bessie is yellow
Reversing the neutron flow
Makes me a happy fellow

Jelly babies are red
Jelly babies are blue
Jelly babies come in all colours
Just like all of you

Roses are red
My celery is green
Hope it never turns purple
You'll see what I mean

I don't rhyme
There's just no time

Roses are red
I once fought a lizard
I may be a Time Lord
But I'm also a wizard

Roses are red
Everyone loves bacon
I thought I was part human
Guess I was Mistaken

Roses are red
Just like that button
I had to do it
Why am I even writing a poem?
Is there a lot of this in the future?

Roses are red
Let's take a chance
I just remembered
I know how to dance

Roses are red

Roses are red 
I mean, I've been to realities where red was blue 
That was confusing 
Took me days to find my TARDIS 
I saved the Klarknoff race from certain doom 
Only had had a toothpick and four coathangers 
Was pretty simple really 
Oh, and you're pretty 

I'll tell you in the Fall ;)


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