Violetta cz a sk


Dnes jsem si pro vás připravila mé oblíbené citáty z Hunger Games jako takový vánoční speciál...... 

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,,We have got just one enemy and thats president Snow! He grabed everyone and everything! TONIGHT! Turn your weapons to the Capitol,turn your weapons to  Snow!!! ´´

,,Together? Together...´´

Our lives were never ours. They belong to Snow and our deads too....but if yu kill him Katniss,if you win all of these.....all those deads....THEY MEAN SOMETHING ´´


,,because she came here with me´´

,,Fire is catching! And if we burn,you burn with us! ´´

,,hope is only thing stronger that fear´´

,,ladies and gentlemans,welcome to the 76. hunger games´´

mohla bych tu psát třeba dalších několik hodin ale kdo by to pak chtěl číst tak jen...........................................................---.........VESELÉ VÁNOCE A AŤ VÁS VŽDY PROVÁZÍ ŠTĚSTĚNA

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